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What we do:

We train our eyes on the invisible forces that portend avalanches of change. We invest not in what looks solid and immutable today, but in the future that is coming and the entrepreneurs who share our vision.

Who we are:

We are patient for what’s obviously the future, and move fast to seize opportunities. We’re comfortable bridging what is and what’s coming. We know what pedigree looks like, but we care more about potential. We’re globally networked in the ways you’d expect and the ways you don’t.

Our track record:

Fund I started a movement and assembled an army of rebel founders going after multiple trillion-dollar opportunities. Fund II will double down on a strategy whose track record is already proving out the coming avalanches of change.

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Early stage venture fund investing behind massive trends transforming how people learn, earn, and own.


Early-stage venture firm investing behind massive trends transforming how people learn, earn, and own
Edtech investor and entrepreneur.
education innovation and other thoughts